Nowadays often we need to set custom font in iOS app which is not available in xcode storyboard. There is one way to set custom fonts from storyboard by set font for every objects of storyboard. But this way takes a lot of time and effort to set custom font because sometimes complex project has lots of ViewControllers with many objects and It takes a lot of time to select each object and set its font.
Here is one of the best, easy and short solution for above problem. Some steps and programming needs for set custom fonts from one file, and it sets font to whole app at run time.
1. Add the Font File to Your Xcode Project
To add a font file to your Xcode project, select File > Add Files to “Your Project Name” from the menu bar, or select the font files from Finder.Make sure that the font comes in either TFF (TrueType Format) or OTF (OpenType Format).
- Register Your Font File in info.plist file
- Make sure that in your StroryBoard all objects have System Font
2. Create new swift file named - AppFonts.swit
- Create Structure named – FontName
struct FontName { static let regular = "Open Sans" static let semiBold = "OpenSans-Semibold" } |
NOTE: For get your custom Font Name:
for family: String in UIFont.familyNames { print("\(family)") for names: String in
UIFont.fontNames(forFamilyName: family) { print("== \(names)") } } |
- Add Extension - UIFontDescriptor.AttributeName
extension UIFontDescriptor.AttributeName {
static let nsctFontUIUsage =
UIFontDescriptor.AttributeName (rawValue: "NSCTFontUIUsageAttribute") } |
- Create another Extension – UIFont
extension UIFont { static
varisOverrided: Bool = false @objc class
funcmySystemFont(ofSize size: CGFloat) ->UIFont {
return UIFont(name: FontName.regular, size: size)! } @objc class
funcmySemiBoldSystemFont(ofSize size: CGFloat) ->UIFont { return
UIFont(name: FontName.semiBold, size: size)! } @objc convenience
init(myCoderaDecoder: NSCoder) {
guard let fontDescriptor =
aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "UIFontDescriptor") as?
let fontAttribute = fontDescriptor.fontAttributes [.nsctFontUIUsage] as? String else {
self.init(myCoder: aDecoder)
return }
varfontName = ""switch fontAttribute {
case "CTFontRegularUsage":
fontName = FontName.regular
case "CTFontDemiUsage":
fontName = FontName.semiBold
fontName = FontName.regular
self.init(name: fontName, size: fontDescriptor.pointSize)! } class funcoverrideInitialize() {
guard self == UIFont.self, !isOverrided else { return } // Avoid method swizzling
run twice and revert to original initialize function
isOverrided = true if let
systemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(systemFont(ofSize:))), let
mySystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self,
#selector(mySystemFont(ofSize:))) {
method_exchangeImplementations( systemFontMethod, mySystemFontMethod)
// UITextField().font = UIFont.init(name: Apps.GLOBEL_FONTS, size: 14.0)! } if let
semiBoldSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(boldSystemFont(ofSize:))),
let mySemiBoldSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self,
#selector(mySemiBoldSystemFont(ofSize:))) {
method_exchangeImplementations( semiBoldSystemFontMethod, mySemiBoldSystemFontMethod) }
if let initCoderMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self,
#selector(UIFontDescriptor.init(coder:))), // Trick to get over the lack of
let myInitCoderMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self,
#selector(UIFont.init(myCoder:))) {
method_exchangeImplementations( initCoderMethod, myInitCoderMethod) } } } |